#63 May/June 2003
The Washington Free Press Washington's Independent Journal of News, Ideas & Culture
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Rubber Ducky Sweepstake Winners

Challenge to Government Secrecy on "No Fly" List
from the ACLU

Scooping 'em in America
The Free Press got there first
by Doug Collins

Ducky contest is extended

Challenge to Government Secrecy on "No Fly" List
from the ACLU

My Japanese Protest
by Joel Hanson

Imprisoned for Peace
personal account by Jean Buskin

Iraq War Quiz
by Stephen R. Shalom

Bush's War: Orwellian Symmetry
opinion by Donald Torrence

Winner-Take-All Politics Feeds Militarization
by Steven Hill

Labor's Enron
Labor leaders used insider positions to rake off millions
opinion by Charles Walker

Attorney general: WEA ignored law

Michael Moore In Shoreline
He nominates Oprah for President
by Chris Jones

Mysteries of the Twin Towers
Will the National Commission reveal the truth?
by Rodger Herbst, BAAE, ME

Create Your Own Tax Cut
opinion by Joel Hanson

Fish or Farms?
Salmon die in the Klamath due to Bush administration decisions
by Hannah A. Lee

King County Passes Mercury Thermometer Sales Ban
by Brandie Smith

Welcome to the Pesticide Free Zone
by Philip Dickey

Road Kill
State's DOT is mainly to blame for roadside herbicides
by Angela Storey

Real Faces
At protests, people usually see each other shoulder-to-shoulder;photoessayist Kristianna Baird helps us look face-to-face

Bush's War: Orwellian Symmetry

opinion by Donald Torrence

In the first Gulf War, much Iraqi infrastructure was destroyed, and after the war the bombing of northern Iraq never actually stopped. Economic sanctions prevented shipment to Iraq of adequate medical supplies as well as materials to rebuild power plants and restock water treatment facilities. The resulting poor living conditions, including inadequate and contaminated water supplies, caused the death of more than a half million children, chiefly from dysentery, dehydration, and diarrhea, according to UN information.

Now Bush, Perle, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Rumsfeld have fought Gulf War II in order to gain control of Iraqi oil and to usher in a Pax Americana. We, the American people, will pay a heavy price for this folly. The war and its aftermath will cost billions and deficits will soar. Bush and his cohorts from the military-industrial complex, such as the Carlyle Group, and his oil buddies, will make billions while subjecting the rest of us to cuts in Medicare, social security, education and other social services.

Observe the draconian symmetry of this administration's strategy--they get their war which they assume will perpetuate their power, they and their supporters get Iraqi oil and the rest of us get subjected to tighter surveillance and diminished civil liberties. The ultimate Orwellian triumph is that they have persuaded a large segment of the American public to support the transformation of our youth into gladiators, dogs of war indoctrinated to kill or be killed for reasons that could have easily been avoided.

Imagine the rage and the desire for revenge that will result from the arrogant insensibility of our policies. Shock and Awe will create a numb incomprehension as survivors witness the grotesque images of death all around them. Imagine a child with a body full of shrapnel or burned beyond recognition begging for relief from the excruciating pain. Imagine holding in your arms a son or daughter dying from internal injuries.

These are the real images of war, which the American people will not be allowed to see. Instead, in the comfort of our living rooms, we get from the well-groomed talking heads and so-called experts a sanitized version of the war interspersed with jingoistic verbiage about American power, honor and altruism.

The propaganda machine cannot sustain for long this virtual reality that minimizes and dehumanizes our experience. The reality of the effects of wartime practices, such as the use of Depleted Uranium and cluster bombs, will surface, and many voices will cry for justice. As in the case of Augusto Pinochet, George Bush and company will be viewed by millions in the world community as war criminals responsible for crimes against humanity.

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