Putin skips G20 summit because of ‘high chance’ of assassination and fear of ‘humiliation’ – Observer

The Kremlin announced this Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin will not attend the G20 summit, which brings together the world’s 20 strongest economies in Bali, Indonesia, early next week. The reasons for his absence were not disclosed, but one of his advisers explained that there was the same possibility that the head of state would be assassinated.

No telegram, Sergey Markov wrote that “Vladimir Putin’s reasons for not going to the G20 summit are serious.” First, there was a “great possibility of an assassination attempt” on the Russian president by “the intelligence services of the United States, the United Kingdom and Ukraine.”

In addition, he underlined that the adviser and adviser may be the president “humiliated”. “For example, some extraordinary activist may bring down Vladimir Putin and Western social media circulate a photo. [com a legenda] “Fourth Russian President”. Sergei Markov even reveals that it is “certain” that these moves were “already thought out” by the West.

After the loss of Kherson, Sergei Markov said, “Russia’s status as a great power is in question.” Therefore, Vladimir Putin will be “pressured” to accept “surrender” in Ukraine.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will replace Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit, which begins next Tuesday.

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