#66 November/December 2003
The Washington Free Press Washington's Independent Journal of News, Ideas & Culture
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Toward a Toxic-Free Future

Media Beat

Issues On Film


Ducky Detritus
Rubber duck flotilla will likely be lamely floating ashore upside-down

The History and Development of Rubber Ducks

Rubber Duck Essay Contest Rules

Abysmal Amtrak Rail Security
by Joel Hanson

Bush-Pushed Tax Cuts
Just more jabs, or the death of democracy?
by Rodger Herbst

I wouldn't mind...
Ironic grammar exercise by Styx Mundstock

Our Media, Ourselves
Another perspective on why mainstream news reporting is so darn rotten
opinion by Doug Collins

Who Killed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr? (part 1)
interview of King family attorney William F. Pepper
by Joe Martin


China 'At War' with Advancing Deserts
by Lester R. Brown

Killing with Kindness
Removing a Lawn Without Herbicides
by Philip Dickey


It's the Economics Model, Stupid

George W. News Brief
forwarded from Scentposts

WTO ShutDown in Mexico
firsthand account by Peter Rosset


Free the white tigers
Animals Are Not Actors
from People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)


Albertsons Agrees To Provide Birth-Control Coverage
from Planned Parenthood of Western Washington

Do You Really Want 'Growth' in Your Town?
by Renee Kjartan


Time To Act
Overworked Americans
by Paul Rogat Loeb


WA Police Need Warrant for GPS Surveillance
from ACLU of WA

Lesbian/Gay Employment Rights Victory
Illegally fired hospital worker receives settlement
from ACLU of WA

The Crime of Being Poor, part 2
by Paul Wright, editor, Prison Legal News


Fluoride Quiz
from Emily Kalweit

CA Dental Board Strengthens Policy on Mercury Toxicity
from Dr. Paul Rubin

Herd Immunity or Herd Stupidity?
Vaccination Decisions - part 2
by Doug Collins

Sweet Stuff
by Doug Collins


Tom Delay Ambushes Texas--And America
by Steven Hill and Rob Richie

Slogans for Bush/Cheney Re-election Campaign

photoessay by Kristianna Baird


Uncle Sam's Marijuana
book notice by Christopher Largen

name of regular
Send your letters to the WA Free Press, PMB #178, 1463 E Republican St, Seattle 98112, or [email protected]. Please include your full name and phone number for verification. Keep them short. Letters may be edited for length, spelling and grammar. Letters do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Free Press. Letters which respond to Free Press articles will be given precedence.

PCC Fan (Not)

Thank you for continuing to address the very real problem of the lack of free paper venues for nonprofits in this town ("PCC Fan" letter, May/June Washington Free Press). I have had an entirely nonpaid "business" distributing free papers for many years for the vegetarian, animal rescue and animal rights communities. Does anyone even remember when even Barnes & Noble in University Village [Seattle] had a whole area for these papers? Slowly over the last five years these racks have been disappearing leaving only the Stranger, Seattle Weekly, etc. No place to leave anything else. Doesn't this ring bells about the general nature of our society these days? By the way, I had a long dialogue with PCC about this but they wouldn't budge. Even though we live in West Seattle where its very convenient to shop at PCC, we moved our membership to Madison Market in Capitol Hill--where they have NO problem acting like a true co-op and supporting the community! Other businesses worth supporting for these reasons are Third Place/Ravenna books and Elliot Bay Books (same conscientious owner). Elliot Bay books recently renovated to offer even more spaces for bulletin boards and free papers!

Eileen Weintraub, current Madison Market member and former PCC member

Compassionate Conservative (Not)

It's amazing to me that so many Americans believe that Bush is truly a "compassionate conservative" and that he gives a hang about we average folks. This, in the face of all evidence to the contrary. Maybe it's because Bush promises each of his support groups a reward for their loyalty: tax cuts for the wealthy, an anti-abortion agenda for fundamentalists, etc., etc.

Let's go to some examples which should raise doubts in the mind of the true believer: the invasion of Iraq and the cover-up of air quality in NYC post 9/11.

It has become clear that the Iraq invasion was planned by the right wing neoconservatives for a decade and the reasons for the unnecessary invasion were trumped up. The weapons inspectors had it right--there were no weapons of mass destruction, no nuclear weapons, no threat to America. In short, no reason to invade other than the "master plan" of the neocons. Bush wanted to demonstrate US power on another weakened third world country and claim its oil. Our children's future is mortgaged because of this adventure. And forget about funding education, medical care, etc.

Second is the EPA cover up of air quality in NYC post 9/11. Little reported, it wasn't until June, 2002 that the EPA determined that air quality had returned to pre-9/11 levels. In the meantime, the heroic rescue workers will carry the legacy of the Bush administration directed cover up (PCBs, soot, dioxin, asbestos).

The actions of a "compassionate conservative"?

Howard Pellett

Tired of Lies

I found your publication in a Port Townsend business, and wow! You are right up my alley! I too am fed up with the lies thrown at us by our administration and how they are ruining the lives of people in our country, those who are elderly and those who are not wealthy, but struggling to get by. We have lost so much since these dictators have been in office.

I am sending $12 for a low-income subscription. I have never been able to find work in our area, have done some child care to help pay our expenses. My husband works, but $221 is taken out of his 2-week payroll check for our medical and dental premium! That's $442 a month! I'm tired of the lies I read in other newspapers and on TV. I sure enjoyed your issue, the first I've seen, and am looking forward to more.

P. Wilson

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