Nature Doc

Medical Opinion by John F. Ruhland, N.D.


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Nature Doc


Health Effects of WTO Gas Linger

gas mask

Many activists became quite ill after being pepper sprayed and tear gassed during the WTO protests. It is astonishing the number of different toxic substances that were sprayed indiscriminately on anyone who happened to be in certain areas of the city. Because a handful of people broke windows and spraypainted buildings, thousands of people were sprayed with carcinogenic chemicals, clearly demonstrating that property is valued more highly than people. The axiom "might makes right" should be printed on Federal Reserve Notes.

Symptoms we saw as first-aid medics, in people subjected to the chemicals, were predominantly focused on the following body systems: the respiratory system, immune system, digestive system, and the nervous system. We also found that the chemicals showered on the protestors had increasingly more harmful effects as the week progressed, based on the severity of symptoms we observed.

The tremendous success of these protests is the clear message that the protesters sent to the members of the WTO and out to the world, that the devastating conditions around the world cannot and will not be tolerated. The majority of demonstrators saw clearly the need for a more just economic system.

Another success of the protests is that a strong spark was created in the formation of a new generation of protestors. It was literally a trial by fire. The US is involved in suppressing opposition to exploitative US-supported regimes all over the world, but this is the first time in the lifetimes of most of the demonstrators that these tactics of suppressing opposition have been so brutally, so openly and so extensively used within this country.

There are several groups collecting reports from victims of the police violence against protestors. The following groups are involved: Physicians for Social Responsibility, the American Civil Liberties Union, Direct Action Network, and the National Lawyer's Guild. Anyone who wishes to give their story should contact these groups. You may call my office for more information.

Dr. Ruhland is in private practice in Seward Park and in Beacon Hill, and can be reached at 206-723-4891. He is also featured in the Reappraising AIDS weekly television show. Call HEAL Seattle at 425-391-6910 for more information.

Do you have health-related questions for Dr. John, the Naturopathic Doctor? Send them to the Free Press at 1463 E Republican #178, Seattle WA 98112, or email to [email protected]. Please keep questions short.

The opinions expressed by Dr. Ruhland are on general issues of health. They should not be construed as personal medical advice. Readers should seek a variety of information about any health concern before deciding on a treatment from a personal physician.

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