Bolzano says he can go to war “for Brazilian independence”

“We all have a commitment to Brazil. Not only soldiers who have vowed to defend the homeland with their own lives (…) will not allow Brazil to follow in the footsteps of other South American countries, ”he said while visiting some road works in Umurama, Bolsanaro. From Parana.

Next, Bolzano cited left-wing leaders Argentina, Chile and Venezuela, who promised they would be in a much more difficult situation because of the mistakes they made in the election.

In this context, there is another type of thief who wants to steal from Brazil today. Freedom of the community.

“I urge you to be more and more interested in this matter, [porque] If necessary, the Brazilian president declared, “We will go to war with the people who know why and for whom they are fighting.”

“You know that guns are a guarantee of family survival and a matter of national security,” “armed people will never be enslaved,” Bolzano insisted.

The Brazilian president also assured that national security would be endangered by foreign countries interested in Brazil’s natural resources, adding that there was “no friendship, only interests” between the two countries.

Bolsanaro’s repeated remarks about the electoral process and the ‘armed people’ raised fears that if the opposition and even some institutions failed in October, the government official would instigate a violent reaction from his followers.

Bolsanaro’s political platform, mostly made up of the military and police, has led many analysts to predict that the 2022 election campaign could be halted by episodes of violence.

Some pro-Bolsonarist governors, such as Claudio Castro of Rio de Janeiro, have announced policies to support the current Brazilian government’s supply of firearms, announcing this week that it will provide pistols and ammunition to 10,000 retired police officers.

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Lula da Silva, who aims to get nearly 45% of the vote against the 30% of votes cast for Bolsanaro, denounced the government’s insistence on “handing over arms to the fascists” with the aim of intimidating a community that considers change.

The progressive leader promised that if he came to power, he would withdraw the “weapons” issued by Bolsanaro from circulation and exchange them for “books”.

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