A 15-year-old girl was electrocuted while charging her cell phone and died

There is still no logical explanation for Juliana Salinas, 15, who caused a massive electric shock when she plugged her cell phone charger into the current, leading to her death. Argentinian news agency Delum reveals that the accident happened on Thursday, November 17 at 8pm, at the young man’s house on Cal 35 in the city of Melcor Romero, a suburb of Buenos Aires.

The girl’s parents immediately realized what was happening and tried to save their daughter. They rushed her to the Dauter Alejandro Korn Hospital in the local town, where she was already admitted in critical condition. Medical teams spent two days trying to save Giuliana, but the teenager died. This Saturday, the 19th, in the intensive care unit of that hospital.

A more detailed autopsy analysis is done to understand the actual damage caused by the electrical discharge, but the recorded cause of death is “accidental death” following the electrical discharge.

It is not limited to this area. A week earlier, another woman, Jennifer Yannibelli, 27, was also electrocuted while checking her account balance at an ATM. At that time, he was electrocuted when he pressed the key and was sent to the hospital. The woman felt an electric current running through her leg and foot, which burned inside. The woman underwent surgery and is now in a critical but critical condition with serious injuries.

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